Scaley Pets & Friends

Scaley Pets & Friends


Tortoise/Turtle Caresheets

Red Foot Tortoise Care

Red Foot Tortoise 

  • Adult Size - 11-14"
  • Avg Lifespan - 50-80 years
  • Enclosure Requirements - Weather permitting an outside pen is the best for these tortoises, at least 8x4 with walls 1-2’ high, the bigger the area the better. These Tortoises are from very humid areas, so high humidity and lots of hides and shady places are key. During cold weather a inside wooden cage or tub with a UV light and heat source. 
  • Substrate - Soil, or coconut bark. Provide moss in the hides and keep it moist. 
  • Heating & Lighting - Ambient Temp of 68-80 and basking at 90 degrees. 
  • Diet - Dark leafy greens, with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables and flowers. Mazuri Tortoise diet can be given weekly to cover all bases. Please make sure to look up all the safe foods for Tortoises and make sure nothing has been exposed to fertilizer or pesticide. You can also occasionally offer worms, etc for extra protein. 
  • Supplements - Will be determined by the environment your Tortoise is in and it's diet. 

Hingeback Tortoise

  • Adult Size - 6-9"
  • Avg Lifespan - 25-60 years
  • Enclosure Requirements - Weather permitting an outside pen is the best for these tortoises, 2x4 with walls 1-2’ high. These Tortoises are from very humid areas and do not like bright light, so high humidity and lots of hides and shady places are key. During cold weather a inside wooden cage or tub with a UV light and heat source. 
  • Substrate - Soil, or coconut bark. Provide moss in the hides and keep it moist. 
  • Heating & Lighting - Ambient Temp of 70-80 with a basking spot of 85 degrees. 
  • Diet - Dark leafy greens, They also enjoy fruit or melon once per week. Offer fresh greens three times a week.  They will accept pre-killed mice, canned dog and cat food, or canned Tortoise & Lizard Diet by Zoo Med. They are also fond of softened monkey biscuits. Offer the meat-based diets about twice a week.
  • Supplements - Calcium/vitamin supplements every feeding.